A tragic flaw or error in judgment that leads to a character’s downfall in literature, especially in a tragic context.
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Asked: April 19, 2018In: Company
Asked: April 19, 2018In: Management
When you walk into a room to do something and end up forgetting why you walked in there.
Asked: April 19, 2018In: Management
A specific emotional response characterized by a profound feeling of being touched, moved, or deeply affected by something that evokes a sense of love, tenderness, or compassion.
Asked: April 19, 2018In: Programmers
The practice of trying to achieve an advantageous outcome by pushing dangerous events to the brink of active conflict.
A metaphor that categorizes individuals into two broad groups : Hedgehogs, who tend to see the world through the lens of one central, unifying idea, and Foxes, who draw on a wide range of ideas to understand the world.